Customer Story: Clifton Coffee Recap

Before you can build the business of your dreams, you have to get one thing right: internal communication. With new digital tools available in Teamworksolutions from #Microsoft, teams can easily chat and connect across devices and locations.

And when company information is organized in tools like #OneNote and #Planner, sharing files and working together on documents has never been easier.

Contact us to learn what else you can do with our #Microsoft #Teamworksolutions.

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Unblocking Workplace Collaboration: 5 Tools and Strategies

Do your customers want to #communicate and #collaborate more effectively? We can help. Check out this handy guide for more on how customers can make the most out of their workday.

Unfortunately, many modern organizations suffer from communication breakdowns and inefficient collaboration methods. Luckily for your customers, this guide can help pave the way for an easier

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Quiz: How Secure Are You

How do you know if your company is secure or at risk of becoming a cybercrime victim? Take this 10-question quiz to find out and get tips for using Office 365, Windows 10 Enterprise and Enterprise Mobility + Security to address your most pressing security concerns

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Help customers bring teams and resources together with Microsoft technology

Today, more than 30% of businesses use advanced communication tools in conference rooms.

With Microsoft Teamwork solutions, you can facilitate better communication among your team by using cloud-based email technology and calendaring services. You can also ensure that your employees’ teams are aligned with web conferencing and calendaring services.

To find the comprehensive teamwork solution that’s right for your business, contact our team at KCHelpdesk.

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Creating world-class collaboration in a global team

“Create a culture of empathy,” says Kim DeLine, COO for live streaming company Elevate K-12. Check out this Forbes article where she shares successful strategies on getting along, building engagement, and celebrating differences in your distributed workforce.

Microsoft Teams provides a single solution to connect across geograph and organizational boundaries. You have tools to communicate internal announcements, hold online meetings, and foster that culture of learning and shared knowledge that gets results.

Contact KCHelpdesk to build your team with Microsoft!

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