Accessibility is crucial for citizens to feel protected and respected by their local governments. And thanks to #DigitalTransformation, institutions now have the tools to empower citizens to speak up and obtain the help they need. Watch this video to learn how Victoria, Australia partnered with #Microsoft to improve the lives of its entire population.
New features in Microsoft Teams let you meet with anyone inside or outside your organization. For nine tips to host more productive meetings with attendees in or outside your organization, check out this blog post:
Working from home (WFH) has become a top priority for those who value a healthy work-life balance. Read this article to learn the top reasons why today’s professionals are prioritizing organizations with #DigitalCollaboration work methodologies.
When American businesses fail to live up to consumers’ high expectations, it costs them up to $1.6 trillion each year. Read this article to learn 4 ways you can enhance your customer service by carefully integrating #technology and human resources. Then contact KCHelpdesk to kickstart your #CustomerExperience strategy.
Microsoft Teams helps you improve access to information, save time, empower your workers, and drive financial success. To learn more about how Teams can increase your ROI, check out this infographic:
While remote learning makes leading discussions more challenging, classroom dialogue among students is still possible—and efficiency is a must! Watch this video on the @MicrosoftTeams Raise hand feature and up your game with virtual class discussions. Contact KCHelpdesk on bringing Teams to your school.
The time-proven benefits of #DigitalCollaboration are now common knowledge among today’s leading organizations. But what exactly are the key components that make up an effective #VirtualWorkspace? Read this infographic to learn about them, then contact KCHelpdesk to get started on your digital strategy.
Effective #DigitalTransformation in the public sector has reaped benefits that have improved the lives of thousands of taxpayers. Learn about the top 5 ways in which #governments can benefit from implementing digital strategies, then follow KCHelpdesk to learn how you can go digital with #Microsoft.
With the recent pandemic changing everything, Ciacci Winery is reimagining the future of its business with a blend of tradition and technology using @Microsoft Teams. Check out their virtual wine tasting and the new frontier for their business with Teams!
How do we take the insight from emergency remote learning and end up with a better future for education systems? These global experts have some ideas. Listen to this webinar with Michael Fullan and Joanne Quinn from New Pedagogies for Deep Learning as they discuss with @Microsoft Education VP Barbara Holzapfel on the future of teaching and learning. Contact KCHelpdesk for more resources and to get started.